Shift Seven Solutions-Home-Shift Seven Solutions

What do our customers and business partners want to see on the title page?

Most people enter a store with a specific purpose or product in mind.  If this is you, you'll want to get straight to the point. You want a helpful salesperson to be on hand with the right answers and an honest response to your questions.

Perhaps you just want to browse, compare prices and options and come back after doing some research. If you can't find what you are looking for, be sure to leave us a note, we will contact you as soon as possible.

Maybe you'd like to read some interesting news, check out technical curiosities, or download a free program.  If you are just passing through, be sure to say Hi at the guest book.

So, Welcome!  You've come to the right place!  Navigation is pretty simple, just follow your nose.  Our website is developing, we'd appreciate your feedback on making the website a better experience.

So, what does Shift 7 do?

Well, pretty much everything to do with computer software and databases.  If you have a computer problem I think we can help.  If we dont have a solution to your particular problem we will direct you to the right place. Check out our services page for a list of our technical skills.